Damien Chabrol – Chief Advanced Engineering

Damien CHABROL co-founded KRONO-SAFE in 2011. After leading the company’s Product Marketing and Quality departments, Damien heads advanced engineering in order to prepare next-generation of ASTERIOS products. Prior to KRONO-SAFE, Damien has worked on real-time embedded software issues since 2003 as part of his active membership to CEA’s LaSTRE laboratory, and has helped to design and develop KRONO-SAFE’s products underlying technologies. Its key topics are kernel design and implementation, multi-core and distributed architecture.

Emmanuel Ohayon – Chief Software Architect

Emmanuel OHAYON is a Software Architect at KRONO-SAFE since 2014; he has contributed to the roots of ASTERIOS technology (compiler and generic part of the Real-Time Kernel) as head of the Core Team. Currently leads the Aeronautics Products Design and supports the DO178 certification of ASTERIOS Real Time Kernel. Before KRONO-SAFE, he was a Research Engineer at CEA (French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energies Commission).